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The maps folder holds most of the maps used to run the games. It is located in the Pokemon Folder and contains many folders and files.

Each major map for the game is contained in the maps folder and named for their location.

The files contain many lines of code describing the many different parts of the map. Each line contains a myriad of details used to create each portion of the map.

Map Objects

Objects are defined by a line of code in each map file.


There are 8 Objects split into 5 categories(CAT):

  • LEV
    • Level - Defines the map
    • Actions - Defines map conditions(ie. weather, lighting, etc)
  • ENT
    • Floor - Can be walked upon, produces a flat surface.
    • Entity - Produces one block.
    • Entity Field - Produces multiple blocks.
  • NPC
    • NPC - Produces an interactive NPC.
  • SHA
    • Shader - Darkens an area of tiles.
  • MAP
    • OffsetMap - Loads an offset map.

Each Object has many different tags that can be used with them.


This is a full list of the tags for each Object.

The full tag with either the default value or a general value will be in the tag column. If there is not a default value then the tag must be given for that object.

Tag Description





EntityField:*Any tags used for Entity apply here*




Types of Entities

  • Water - Produces the water effect.
  • WallBlock - Produces a solid mass.
  • WarpBlock - Transports a player to another location if stepped in.
  • ScriptBlock - Triggers a script when stepped on.
  • Grass - Produces Grass which may contain Wild Pokemon.
  • HeadbuttTree - Produces Tees which may contain wild Pokemon.
  • WallBill - Produces a flat, vertical surface on which something may be displayed.
  • LoamySoil - Produces soil to grow berries in.
  • ApricornPlant - Produces an Apricorn Plant.
  • SignBlock - Produces an Interactive sign.
  • TurningSign - Produces the turning sign used for Pokecenters, Pokemarts, and Gyms.
  • Ledge - Produces a one-way ledge.
  • SlideBlock - Produces stairs.
  • CutTree - Produces a Cuttree.
  • AllSidesObject - Renders sides when viewed from any direction.
  • ItemObject - Places an Item to be picked up.


Tag Example Description
Size [X,Z] The amount of positions filled by this entity in the X and Z Directions
Position [X,Y,Z] The position of the first entity.
Scale [X,Y,Z] Used to shrink or expand a texture in many directions.
TexturePath [Texture] A name of a texture without file extension that is located in the /Pokemon/Content/Textures/ Folder.
Textures [X1,Y1,X2,Y2] Multiple textures may be listed
  • X1 - Position of first pixel in the 'X' direction.
  • Y1 - Position of first pixel in the 'Y' direction.
  • X2 - Amount of pixels in the 'X' direction.
  • Y2 - Amount of pixels in the 'Y' direction.
TextureIndex [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5] Position for each texture. Has as many slots as 2x the number of sides. Put a number of a texture ID from 'Textures' into each slot to designate the texture.
Collision [0 or 1] Off or on.
Action [TBA] TBA
AdditionalValue [Stuff] Either text or a file path to designate the event that happens when interacting with this.
Rotation [0-3] Describes the position that the Entity is facing.
Model ID [0-?] Describes the different pre-made models. See Below for more details.
NPC only
Name [Name] The name given to the sprite
ID [##] The ID used to call on that specific sprite.
Movement [Still, Looking, Movement]
  • Still - Doesn't move.
  • Looking - Turns.
  • Movement - Moves within a specified area.
MoveRectangles [mX,mY,X,Y]
  • mX - The smallest 'X' position a character will take.
  • mY - The smallest 'Y' position a chacter will take.
  • X - The amount of distance in the 'X' direction the character will move.
  • Y - The amount of distance in the 'Y' direction the character will move.

Additional Data

Additional Data takes in different parameters depending on what type of entity it is associated with.

Entity Type Example Description
WarpBlock [Mapname.dat,X,Y,Z,R]
  • The file path of a map in /Pokemon/maps/.
  • 'X' position to warp to.
  • 'Y' position to warp to.
  • 'Z' position to warp to.
  • Rotation of character after warp.
Script Block [Script] File path of a script.
ApricornPlant [#] Number of an Apricorn.
SignBlock [text] Contents of the sign.
TurningSign [#] Contents
ItemObject [#,#] ?, Item ID

Model ID

ID. Model description.
0 Flat surface.
1 Box(five sides)
2 45 degree slant.
3 Flat vertical surface
4 Thin block. 4 Pixels wide.
5 "Out" corner.
6 "In" corner.
7 Ledge.
8 Ledge Corner.
9 Water's edge.
10 Water's edge "in" corner.
11 Water's edge "out" corner.
12 Box (Six Sides).
13 Two Flat pieces intersecting in their centers at 90 degree angles.
14 Double floor (a floor with a floor above it)

Offset Maps

The use of offset maps allows players to see maps they are not yet on as they approach them.

Offset maps need a map to load and a position to start loading at.

.poke files

The .poke files contain the wild Pokemon data for each location.

Each Pokemon is represented by a line of code like this:


  • # - Type of encounter.
    • 0 - Grass/Floor.
    • 1 - Headbutt trees.
    • 2 - Surf
    • 5 - Rock Smash
  • PKMN# - National dex number of the pokemon.
  • % - Possibility that the pokemon will be encountered.
  • TIME - time of day
    • -1 - All times
    • 0 - Night
    • 1 - Morning
    • 2 - Day
    • 3 - Evening
  • Lv1 - Min Level
  • Lv2 - Max Level
Game Folder
Content ContentPacks GameModes Saves Screenshots Game Executable
Pokemon Data ContentPack Folder GameMode folder Savegame folder Version History
Data Maps Moves Scripts Control Files Content GameMode.dat Party.dat Player.dat Options.dat
poke battle structures V1 V2 trainer worldmap