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Line 156: Line 156:
| @Wait:#
| @Wait:#
| Waits a certain amount of time.
| # - Amount of time to wait.
| @Action:StorageSystem
| @Action:StorageSystem

Revision as of 11:45, 22 March 2013

There are numerous scripts that can be used withing the Pokemon 3D game.

This is(will be) a full list of them, how to use them and what they do.


Commands often have a subcommand. All combinations will be listed below.

* unless otherwise specified a bool can bee either 1(on) or 0(off). ** Unless otherwise specified X,Y,Z is a three dimensional position.

Subcommand Job Inputs
@Player:wearskin(text) Change the player's skin. text - the name of a skin in /content/textures/NPC.
@Player:move(#) Move the player in a straight line # - Number of step.
@Player:turn(#) Turns the player to the left # - Amount of quarter turns.
@Player:turnto(#) Turns to a specific direction. # - 0-3, specifies the direction to turn to.
@Player:warp(X,Y,Z) Warp to a specified place. Position values.
@Player:warp(text,X,Y,Z,R) Warps to a different map.
  • text - Map name.
  • X,Y,Z,R - Position and Rotation.
@Pokemon:remove(#) Removes a Pokemon from the party. # - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
@Pokemon:add(#1,#2,text1,#3,text2,bool,text3) Adds a Pokemon to your party.
  • #1 - Pokemon's National Dex number.
  • #2 - Level.
  • text1 - Catch Method. Optional.
  • #3 - Catch Ball. Optional.
  • bool - Is in an egg or not. Optional.
  • text2 - Catch Trainer. Optional.
@Pokemon:Setadditionalvalue(#,info) Puts info into the AdditionalValue part of a pokemon's save. Example use: designate which Unown.
  • # - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
  • info - Stuff to be added to AdditionalValue.
@Pokemon:setNickName(#,text) Change a Pokemon's name.
  • # - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
  • text - New Name.
@Pokemon:setStat(#1,text,#2) Set a Pokemon's stat to a specific value.
  • #1 - 0-5, Pary index of a Pokemon.
  • text - Name of the stat to adjust. Possible values: hp, chp, attack, defense, spattack, spdefense, speed.
  • #2 - Stat value.
@Pokemon:clear hrm? no value
@Pokemon:clearattacks(#) Removes all attacks from a specified pokemon. # - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
@Pokemon:Addattack(#1,#2) Adds an attack to a specific Pokemon.
@Pokemon:Removeattack(#1,#2) Removes an attack from a Pokemon.
  • #1 - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
  • #2 - 0-3, Move location ID(its spot on the Pokemon).
@Pokemon:setshiny(#,bool) Make a Pokemon shiny or not.
  • # - 0-5, Party index of a Pokemon.
  • bool - Turns the shiny on or off.
@NPC:remove(#) Removes an NPC from the map. # - NPC ID.
@NPC:Position(#,X,Y,Z) Moves an NPC to a specific point. # - NPC ID.
@NPC:wearskin(#,text) Change the skin used on an NPC. Doesn't change until it is out of view.
  • # - NPC ID.
  • text - skin name in /Content/Textures/NPC.
@Music:text Plays designated music. text - name of a file in /Content/Songs/.
@Sound:text Plays designated sound. text - name of a file in /Content/Sounds/.
@Options:text,text,... Creates a menu with multiple options. Uses the :when construct(see below) text - The options. Can be as many as you want.
@Text:text Displays text '~' breaks it to a new line, and '*' resets the text box. text - the display text
@Wait:# Waits a certain amount of time. # - Amount of time to wait.
@Action:StorageSystem Activates the storage system. No input.
@Action:ApricornKurt Opens up the Appricorn menu to have 'Kurt' make you an appricorn. No input.
@Action:getpokemon(see@Pokemon:add) same as @Pokemon:add
@Action:townmap,text Opens the town map. text - region name. Only Johto is currently available.
@Action:Network Opens the co-op menu. No input.
@Action:Opendonation Opens the list of Donars(needs updating). No input.
@Action:RecievePokedex Gives you the Pokedex. No input.
@Action:RenamePokemon(#) Allows a player to rename a Pokemon. # - Party index Number
@Action:RenameRival Rename your rival. No input.
@Action:PlayCry(#) Plays the cry of the specified Pokemon # - National Dex Number.
@Action:Show0Pokemon(bool) Turns Following Pokemon on or off.
@Action:ToggleThirdPerson Change between third and first person. No input.
@Action:ActivateThirdPerson Goto third person. No input.
@Action:DeactivateThirdPerson Goto first person No input.
@Action:SetFont(text) Change the font text - Can be standard or Unown.
@Action:SetRenderDistance(#) Set the Renderdistance. # - 0-4, A render distance option.
@Action:wearskin(see @Player:wearskin) see @Player:wearskin. see @Player:wearskin.
@Action:ToggleDarkness Turn darkness on or off. No input.
@Battle:Wild(#1,#2) Start a wild pokemon battle
  • #1 - National Dex Number.
  • #2 - Level.
@Battle:Trainer(text) Battle a trainer text - Trainer file in /Scripts/Trainer/.
@Trainer:text Same as @Battle:Trainer. Same as @Battle:Trainer.
@Achievement:{#}|text Activates an Achievement.
  • # - Number of the Achievement.
  • text - Not important. Must have the pipe character
@Register:text Adds text to Register.dat. text - What to add.
@Unregister:text Removes text from Register.dat. text - What to remove.
@Script:text Activates a script file. text - Script in /Scripts/.
@Heal Heals all Pokemon No input.


Constructs are functions in scripts that are not doing something in the game but rather with the script itself. Constructs start with a : at the beginning of the line and are case sensitive! Here's the list of constructs:

Construct Use
:end Ends the script.
:if See Below.
:then Follows an :if statement. Continues here if true.
:else Continues here when an :if statement if False.
:endif Ends an :if statement.
:when Works as a switch for the @options command.
:endwhen Ends a when statement

:if statements

if statements can be either 'if true' statements or 'if false' statements

'if true:'


'if false'

:if:not register(elm1)
if statements can take a variety of conditions as the argument. Here is the full list.
Argument Variable Description
:register(text) text - A register value in the register.dat file of the save folder. Checks to see if the 'text' is in the register.dat file. Considered true if found.
:daytime(#) # - A time of day value. 0 = night, 1 = morning, 2 = Day, 3 = Evening. Checks the time of day against the given value.
:freeplaceinparty no variable Checks to see if your party is full.
:nopokemon No variable Checks to see if you have any Pokemon.
:day(#) # - A 'day' code. (0-6) 0 = Sunday and goes from there. Checks if the current weekday matches the code given.
:aurora no variable Checks for the 'Aurora' effect?
:random(#) # - The max value. Produces a Random integer?
  • # - The NPC ID of an NPC on the Map. Can also be 'Player' to check the player's position
  • X,Y,Z - A three coordinate position.
Checks if the given NPC(or the player) is in the given place
:weather(#) # - A weather ID. 0 = Clear, 1 = Rain, 2 = Snow, 3 = Bubbles Checks the map weather against the given weather. This is not the random weather effect but rather permanent weather such as Route 33's eternal rain.
:regionWeather(#) # - A weather ID. 0 = Clear, 1 = Rain, 2 = Snow, 3 = Bubbles Checks to see if the random weather is the same as the given weather.
:hasBadge(#) # - the number of a gym badge. Remember Brock = 1, Falkner = 9. Checks if you have the given badge.
:hasItem(#) # - An Item's ID number. Checks if the given item is in your bag