Route 26

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Route 26 Map

Route 26 is a route in the border between Johto and Kanto that connects New Bark Town (via Route 27) to the south with Victory Road (via Route 23) to the north.


From its southern terminus at Route 27, Route 26 continues east on a bridge over a body of water to a small island before turning north over another bridge, where a Trainer waits. Further north of the northward turn, Route 26 makes landfall for the first time. At this point, the route turns to the northeast for a short distance, passing through several grassy areas filled with wild Pokémon, after which another trainer waits at a three-way intersection. To the west is the southern exit of a southbound-only express route, which occupies the west side of Route 26 and can be used to quickly return to Route 27, Tohjo Falls, and Johto. To the north are more grass patches and the main path of Route 26 as it continues on.

Free of grass for the remainder of the route, the road continues north before intersecting the northern terminus of the express path. North of this intersection is a rest stop.

Route 26 turns northwest from the rest stop, passing another Trainer before returning northward the turning sharply east below another southbound-only express path. Further ahead, Ace Trainer Gaven awaits at the base of the climb to the end of the route. Upon defeating him, he will offer to exchange numbers in the Pokégear for future rematches.

Continuing towards the Reception Gate, the route straightens out, taking on a northern alignment as it passes another Trainer and Ace Trainer Beth at the northern terminus of both the express path and Route 26. Beth will also offer to exchange numbers after battling.

Just north of Beth is the south entrance to the Reception Gate, as well as the signpost that gives the Reception Gate its formal name.

Northern express path

Southwest of the Reception Gate is a series of ledges enclosed by the eastern side of a large mountain (which comprises the western edge of Route 26) and a series of hills between the express path and the main path of the route. Together, the ledges make a southbound-only path that can be used to quickly travel down Route 26. A Max Elixir is also located amongst the ledges. The path rejoins Route 26 northwest of a large patch of trees.

Southern express path

The southern express path begins south of the rest stop at an intersection with Route 26. After heading west, the path enters a large area of grass, which encompasses most of the northern portion of the path. The express route turns south before circling east around a house, which happens to be the home of the Week Siblings, although none of them are present. A note on the table inside reveals the location of every sibling and the days on which they will appear.

South of the house, the path hops over a ledge, effectively making the path southbound-only. Here, it meets the southern entrance to the express path. Traveling east along the entrance is prohibited by a ledge that separates the entrance from the path.

Continuing south of the one-way intersection, the path hops over two more ledges before reaching the body of water that encompasses most of the southern terminus. Trainers can Surf east across the water under the bridge but must return to the west and continue along the express path to leave, which continues for a short distance before forcing Trainers to hop a ledge onto Route 27.

Points of interest

Healer's House

Located about halfway up the route is a house with a woman who will heal your Pokemon for free at any time.

Day Sibling's House

This house, hidden near the exit of the map on the west side, contains a book which lists the locations of the day siblings on the days they appear.

Hidden Trees

A hidden grove of headbutt trees is located within the larger patch of trees by Ace Trainer Gaven. To reach the grove you must pass through a fake tree. Contains Riolu and Ralts as well as a Dawn Stone located on the ground near them.

Hidden Grotto

Located just south of the day sibling's house, it is one of the 2 grottos that become available after defeating Clair and obtaining Waterfall.

Item Rarity
Visible Items
Potion.pngPotion 20%
Tiny Mushroom.pngTiny Mushroom 10%
Revival Herb.pngRevival Herb 10%
Poké Ball.pngPoké Ball 10%
Dive Ball.pngDive Ball 8%
Ether.pngEther 6%
Fire Stone.pngFire Stone 5%
Water Stone.pngWater Stone 5%
Leaf Stone.pngLeaf Stone 5%
Thunder Stone.pngThunder Stone 5%
Oval Stone.pngOval Stone 5%
Net Ball.pngNet Ball 5%
Stardust.pngStardust 5%
Heart Scale.pngHeart Scale 1%
Item Rarity
Hidden Items
Super Potion.pngSuper Potion 20%
Pearl.pngPearl 10%
Revival Herb.pngRevival Herb 10%
Premier Ball.pngPremier Ball 10%
Luxury Ball.pngLuxury Ball 8%
PP Up.pngPP Up 6%
Dragon Scale.pngDragon Scale 5%
King's Rock.pngKing's Rock 5%
Metal Coat.pngMetal Coat 5%
Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw 5%
Razor Fang.pngRazor Fang 5%
Heal Ball.pngHeal Ball 5%
Star Piece.pngStar Piece 5%
HP Up.pngHP Up
Pokemon (33-38) Rarity
070 Weepinbell 19%
427 Buneary 12%
047 Parasect 8%
674 Pancham 1%


Image Name Location
Max Elixir.png Max Elixer In the northern express path.
Dawn Stone.png Dawn Stone Near the hidden trees containing Ralts and Riolu.
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy (Hidden)Near the hidden trees containing Ralts and Riolu.


Unless stated otherwise, all levels in this chart are of Difficulty 0.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate Morning Rate Day Rate Evening Rate Night
020 Raticate Grass Grass encounter.png 28-30 10% 10% 10% 40%
024 Arbok Grass Grass encounter.png 30 5% 5% 5% 0%
028 Sandslash Grass Grass encounter.png 28 30% 30% 30% 0%
077 Ponyta Grass Grass encounter.png 32 20% 20% 20% 0%
084 Doduo Grass Grass encounter.png 28-30 35% 35% 35% 0%
085 Dodrio Grass Grass encounter.png 30 5% 5% 5% 0%
164 Noctowl Grass Grass encounter.png 28-32 0% 0% 0% 50%
195 Quagsire Grass Grass encounter.png 30 0% 0% 0% 10%
021 Spearow Headbutt Headbutt encounter.png 10 63% 63% 63% 63%
191 Sunkern Headbutt Headbutt encounter.png 10 20% 20% 20% 20%
023 Ekans Headbutt Headbutt encounter.png 10 15% 15% 15% 15%
280 Ralts Headbutt Headbutt encounter.png 10 1% 1% 1% 1%
447 Riolu Headbutt Headbutt encounter.png 10 1% 1% 1% 1%
072 Tentacool Surf Surf encounter.png 15-24 90% 90% 90% 90%
073 Tentacruel Surf Surf encounter.png 20-40 10% 10% 10% 10%
072 Tentacool Old Rod Old Rod encounter.png 10-10 15% 15% 15% 15%
129 Magikarp Old Rod Old Rod encounter.png 10-10 85% 85% 85% 85%
072 Tentacool Good Rod Good Rod encounter.png 20-20 35% 35% 35% 35%
090 Shellder Good Rod Good Rod encounter.png 20-20 10% 10% 10% 10%
129 Magikarp Good Rod Good Rod encounter.png 20-20 35% 35% 35% 35%
170 Chinchou Good Rod Good Rod encounter.png 20-20 20% 20% 20% 20%
170 Chinchou Super Rod Super Rod encounter.png 40-40 40% 40% 40% 40%
073 Tentacruel Super Rod Super Rod encounter.png 40-40 20% 20% 20% 20%
090 Shellder Super Rod Super Rod encounter.png 40-40 30% 30% 30% 30%
171 Lanturn Super Rod Super Rod encounter.png 40-40 10% 10% 10% 10%

For a list for all locations see: Pokémon Locations


Unless stated otherwise, all levels in this chart are of Difficulty 0.

Label Name Image Pokémon Reward
A Fisherman Scott Fisherman.png 211 Qwilfish Lv.30
211 Qwilfish Lv.30
119 Seaking Lv.34
Pokémon Dollar1360
B Psychic Richard Psychic.png 196 Espeon Lv.36 Pokémon Dollar1152
C Ace Trainer♀ Joyce Ace Trainer♀.png 025 Pikachu Lv.3 6
009 Blastoise Lv.32
Pokémon Dollar1536
D Ace Trainer♂ Gaven Ace Trainer♂.png 071 Victreebel Lv.32
099 Kingler Lv.32
136 Flareon Lv.32
Pokémon Dollar1680
E Ace Trainer♂ Jake Ace Trainer♂.png 047 Parasect Lv.33
055 Golduck Lv.35
Pokémon Dollar1680
F Ace Trainer♀ Beth Ace Trainer♀.png 078 Rapidash Lv.36 Pokémon Dollar1728


Version History

Version Changes
0.35 Route in game. Not Available
0.36 Implemented.
0.59 Layout changed to the HGSS layout.

List of Places.

Spoiler: Kanto
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Cities and Towns
Vermilion City | Cerulean City | Lavender Town | Pewter City | Viridian City | Saffron City
Celadon City | Fuchsia City | Pallet Town | Cinnabar Island

Route 1 | Route 2 | Route 3 | Route 4 | Route 5 | Route 6 | Route 7 | Route 8 | Route 9 | Route 10
Route 11 | Route 12 | Route 13 | Route 14 | Route 15 | Route 16 | Route 17 | Route 18 | Route 19
Route 20 | Route 21 | Route 22 | Route 24 | Route 25

S.S. Aqua | Power Plant | Rock Tunnel | Diglett's Cave | Viridian Forest | Mt. Moon
Cerulean Cave | Ancient Ruins | Millennial Star Tower | Seafoam Islands

Spoiler: Shared
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Indigo Plateau | Battle Frontier

Route 23 | Route 26
Route 27 | Route 28

Tohjo Falls | Victory Road | Mt. Silver

Spoiler: Johto
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New Bark Town | Cherrygrove City | Violet City | Azalea Town | Goldenrod City | Ecruteak City
Olivine City | Cianwood City | Safari Zone Gate | Mahogany Town | Blackthorn City

Route 29 | Route 30 | Route 31 | Route 32 | Route 33 | Route 34 | Route 35 | Route 36 | Route 37
Route 38 | Route 39 | Route 40 | Route 41 | Route 42 | Route 43 | Route 44 | Route 45 | Route 46
Route 47 | Route 48 | Route 49 | Route 50

Dark Cave | Sprout Tower | Ruins of Alph | Union Cave | Slowpoke Well | Ilex Forest
Radio Tower | National Park | Burned Tower | Tin Tower | Shining Lighthouse | Cliff Cave
Safari Zone | Mt. Mortar | Lake of Rage | Team Rocket HQ | Whirl Islands | Ice Path
Dragon's Den | S.S. Aqua | Embedded Tower | Diamond Dive | Berry Vista | Twirl Forest
Hidden Grotto

Spoiler: Sevii Islands
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Sevii Islands

One Island | Two Island | Three Island | Four Island | Five Island | Six Island | Seven Island

Treasure Beach | Kindle Road | Cape Brink | Three Isle Port | Bond Bridge | Five Isle Meadow
Memorial Pillar | Water Labyrinth | Resort Gorgeous | Water Path | Green Path | Outcast Island
Ruin Valley | Tower Straits | Canyon Entrance | Sevault Canyon | Tanoby Ruins

Kolben Tower | Mt. Ember | Three Isle Path | Berry Forest | Icefall Cave | Rocket Warehouse
Lost Cave | Altering Cave | Pattern Bush | Dotted Hole | Trainer Tower | Tanoby Chambers
Faraway Island | Underwater Cave

Spoiler: Unova
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Liberty Garden

Spoiler: Unknown
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