Pokémon Center

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A Pokémon Center is a building in most cities and towns. The Pokémon Center's primary function is to provide a healing service for Pokémon, without charging any money. The Pokémon Center also allows access to a PC for storing Pokémon. The player can also connect their game to Co-Op from here. This is also where you go when you have no more Pokémon that have the will to fight. There are also some NPCs inside that you can talk to.


Version History

Version Changes
0.01a Implemented.
0.03a market in pokecenter (work in progress)
0.04a turning signs for every PokéCenter.
0.06a added healing machines for the PokéCenter

changed the multiplayer script in the PokéCenter

0.16 get transported to latest Pokécenter after being defeated