Pokémon Move/Grudge

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Grudge (Japanese: おんねん Grudge) is a non-damaging Ghost-type move.


When Grudge is used, if the user faints as the direct result of an attack, the move which causes the user to faint will lose all of its PP. This move's effect only works if the user faints before making another move. Grudge does not activate for damage that occurs at the end of the turn, including damage from Leech Seed, Sandstorm, Hail, and Future Sight.

Information Tab

ID Name Type Cat. Description Power Acc. PP
288 Grudge Type Ghost.png OtherMove.png If the user faints, the user's grudge fully depletes the PP of the opponent's move that knocked it out. - -% 5 (max 8)

Version History

Version Changes
0.21 Not implemented yet.